Home CITY UPDATES 42 companies participate in Malleswaram mega job fair

42 companies participate in Malleswaram mega job fair

42 companies participate in Malleswaram mega job fair

Karnataka youths’ ‘unemployability’ is cause for concern: Minister


More than unemployment, it is unemployability that needs to be addressed urgently, according to Dr CN Ashwath Narayan, Minister for Skill Development, Entrepreneurship and Livelihood.

Launching a mega job fair organized at the volleyball ground in Malleswaram on Friday, he said that although many new jobs are being created in various sectors, the unemployability of even graduates is a cause for concern.

The government wants to make the youth job-ready and is ready to provide training in skill development, language learning and other aspects. The government has set up an international immigration centre to facilitate those who seek jobs overseas, the Minister pointed out.

As many as 30 companies attended the job fair physically and 12 companies participated virtually, seeking to employ more than 2,000 candidates. However, the number of job- seekers who were registered stood at 1,300, far less than the requirements of the companies.

Ashwin Gowda, MD, Skill Development Corporation, Krishnamurthy, District Skill Development Officer and officials of participating companies were present.

Also Read: Only 351 youths recruited at Malleswaram job fair

Go and Vote: Issued in Public Interestbengaluru


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