Home CITY UPDATES Only 351 youths recruited at Malleswaram job fair

Only 351 youths recruited at Malleswaram job fair

42 companies participate in Malleswaram mega job fair

42 companies were looking for 2,000 recruits at job fair organized by Karnataka Skill Development Corporation


Underlining a concern voiced earlier by Dr CN Ashwath Narayan, Karnataka Minister for Skill Development, Entrepreneurship and Livelihood, about the ‘unemployability’ of Kannadiga youths, including graduates, only around 351 candidates made the cut at the mega job fair held by the Skill Development Corporation at Malleswaram on September 3 and 4.

A total of 42 companies, of which 30 participated physically and 12 online, had planned to recruit around 2,000 candidates. Out of 2,050 candidates who registered, 1,510 job-seekers attended the fair. Among 582 candidates shortlisted, 351 got selected, Dr Narayan said on Saturday.

More such job fairs will be organized in the coming days to facilitate the employment of eligible youths, the Minister said.

Also Read: 42 companies participate in Malleswaram mega job fair

Go and Vote: Issued in Public Interestbengaluru


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