Home CORONA Haj Bhavan to convert 140 beds into oxygen-equipped ones within a week

Haj Bhavan to convert 140 beds into oxygen-equipped ones within a week


Haj Committee is spending its own funds on the work, says Executive Officer Sarfaraz Khan


With Karnataka’s Health Department lagging in setting up oxygen or ventilator beds in Bengaluru for serious Covid cases, the state Haj Committee has stepped into the breech by becoming the first government organisation to convert 140 beds in Haj Bhavan into oxygen-equipped ones.

Haj Bhavan is one of the city’s government-run Covid Care Centres (CCC) and has around 400 beds, of which 200 beds are currently occupied by Covid- positive patients.

Revealing the details to TheBengaluruLive, Sarfaraz Khan, Executive Officer, Karnataka State Haj Committee, who is also BBMP Joint Commissioner (Solid Waste Management) said the Haj Committee will be spending from its own funds to convert 140 beds into oxygen-equipped ones. The work will be completed in a week, he said.

3 floors for patients

The four-storied Haj Bhavan in Hegde Nagar has 100 rooms per floor. One floor is occupied by doctors, nurses, marshals and housekeeping staff, apart from essential equipment, medicines and other facilities, while the other three floors have been converted into a CCC.

According to Khan, around 140 beds will be equipped with oxygen facilities by installing a piping system. Work on this has begun and will be completed at the earliest.

CCC beds go abegging!

BBMP has created 12 CCCs with 2,100 beds, of which 800 are currently occupied, while not a single bed has been occupied at Bosch Sports complex (70 beds), Bommanahalli Vintage Blossom (50 beds), Koramangala Indoor Stadium (100 beds) and Mangala Raitha Bhavan near Hebbal (55 beds).

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