Home CORONA Each Covid patient costs govt Rs. 3.48 lakh: Minister

Each Covid patient costs govt Rs. 3.48 lakh: Minister



Treatment for the coronavirus does not come cheap. Karnataka has already spent nearly Rs. 5 crore on patients admitted to Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute (BMRCI), which works out to an average of Rs. 3.48 lakh for each of the 136 patients treated there so far.

At a presser on Friday, Education Minister and Covid spokesperson Suresh Kumar said, “BMRCI has shared a rough expenditure which includes revenue and capital expenditure spent on each patient.  As on May 8, the state government has spent Rs 4.74 crore, which  includes Rs 89 lakh on equipment purchases and Rs 60 lakh on setting up Covid wards in the hospital.”

“Divided by 136 patients, it comes to Rs 3.48 lakh for each patient. These figures are related only to Bangalore Medical College and we have sought details of expenditure by other hospitals,” he added.

Go and Vote: Issued in Public Interestbengaluru


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