Home CITY UPDATES Uttarakhand: MeT dept issues yellow alert for heavy rain, snowfall

Uttarakhand: MeT dept issues yellow alert for heavy rain, snowfall


Dehradun, Jan 31 (PTI) The MeT department here has issued a yellow alert for heavy rain, snowfall and thunderstorms at isolated places in the hills of Uttarakhand for a 24-hour period starting Wednesday evening. It may result in the snowfall blocking the roads and highways in the hills and disruption of power supply, the MeT department said.

Rock falls and landslides are also expected during the period, it said and asked the people to be cautious.

The current meteorological analysis and numerical weather prediction models indicate an active Western Disturbance as an upper air system in mid and upper tropospheric levels with induced cyclonic circulation in lower tropospheric levels is likely to affect Uttarakhand from January 31 to February 1, the MeT office said.

As a result, rain, snowfall and thunderstorms are very likely to occur over the hill state during the period, it said.

Heavy to very heavy snowfall is predicted at a few places located at a height of 3,000 meters or above while heavy rain and snowfall is likely to occur at isolated places in the hills of Uttarakhand during 24 hours starting Wednesday evening.

The snowfall may result in blocking of roads and highways especially in the places situated at a height of around 2,500 metres, the MeT office said, adding ice and snow deposits may also make the roads slippery.

Rock falls and landslides may also occur, it added.

Thunderstorm accompanied with hail or lightning may also lash isolated places in Uttarakhand during the period, the MeT office said asking the people to be cautious.

Electricity supply is likely to be disrupted and cold day conditions are likely to prevail at a few places in the hills during the period.

The people have been advised to make alternate arrangements for power backup to sustain the power failure and cold conditions. They are also advised to have sufficient stock of food and medicines.

Those travelling in hills are advised to move with caution in the slippery zones and wait for road clearance in snow bound areas. PTI ALM AS AS

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