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Man brought from TN to Karnataka days after issuing death threat...

BENGALURU: A man from Tamil Nadu, who had allegedly issued death threats to the three Karnataka High Court judges, including the Chief Justice, following their...

‘Y category’ security to HC judges who delivered hijab verdict: Karnataka...

BENGALURU: Following death threats to the three Karnataka High Court judges, including the Chief Justice, who delivered the hijab verdict, and arrest of a person...

Karnataka High Court, which dismissed the Hijab related petitions, framed questions...

BENGALURU: The Karnataka High Court which dismissed a batch of petitions by some Muslim girls from Udupi seeking permission to wear hijab inside classrooms of...

HC asks counsels in Hijab case to wind up their argument...

BENGALURU: The Karnataka High Court on Thursday asked the counsels in the Hijab case to wind up their arguments by Friday as it indicated that...

Hijab case: Karnataka govt submits details of CFI in HC

BENGALURU: The Karnataka government on Thursday informed the High Court that a first information report has been registered against the members of the Campus Front...

Right to wear hijab does not fall under Article 25 of...

BENGALURU: The Karnataka government on Tuesday told the High Court that there is no restriction on wearing Hijab in India with reasonable restrictions subject to...

Wish to finish hearing Hijab case this week: Karnataka High Court

BENGALURU: The Karnataka High Court on Tuesday said it wishes to dispose of the Hijab related case this week itself and sought the cooperation of...

Hijab row: Feb 5 GO doesn’t ban hijab, insists AG in...

BENGALURU: Amid the raging row over the Hijab issue in Karnataka, the state government has told the High Court that its order dated February 5...

Hijab not an essential religious practice of Islam: Karnataka govt

BENGALURU: The Karnataka government on Friday contended before the Karnataka High Court that the hijab is not an essential religious practice of Islam and preventing...

New twist to hijab row: Allow us to wear headscarf matching...

BENGALURU: Challenging the government order restricting the use of any cloth that can disturb the peace, harmony and, law and order, the girls who petitioned...

Karnataka High Court officially publishes order: No hijabs, saffron shawls, etc...

Following HC interim order, Karnataka schools to reopen from Monday BENGALURU: The Karnataka High Court on Friday officially published its order restricting hijabs and saffron shawls...

Hijab row: High Schools in Karnataka to resume from Feb 14,...

BENGALURU: Following the High Court's directions, the Karnataka government on Thursday decided to resume classes for high school students up to class 10 from February...

Hijab Row: Three-Judge Bench Headed By Karnataka Chief Justice To Hear...

BENGALURU: In a major development, the Karnataka High Court on Wednesday formed a bench of three senior judges led by the Chief Justice Ritu Raj...