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Tag: IndustriesMinister


Minister warns action against industries not giving priority for Kannadigas in...

BENGALURU: Karnataka Large and Medium Industries Minister Murugesh Nirani on Tuesday reiterated the government's stand on giving priority to Kannadigas in jobs, and warned of...

Karnataka govt approves 48 industrial projects worth Rs 2,062 cr

BENGALURU: The Karnataka government has approved 48 industrial projects worth Rs 2,062 crore that would provide jobs for over 6,393 people in the state. The clearance...

KIADB will develop new industrial areas in eight districts: Minister

BENGALURU: The Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB) will develop new industrial areas in eight districts, in an effort to push industrial growth beyond Bengaluru,...

KIADB to allot land to industries on 10-year lease-cum-sale basis

BENGALURU: The Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board (KIADB) will allot the lands to private industries or institutions on a ten-year ''lease-cum-sale'' basis, by amending the...

Minister rules out sale or transfer of Mysore Lamp Works land

Space to be used for showcasing Bengaluru heritage & culture BELAGAVI/BENGALURU: Karnataka Large and Medium Industries Minister Murugesh Nirani on Tuesday ruled out sale or transfer...

Karnataka to have 4 industrial parks only for women

Industries Minister cites examples of Sudha Murthy & Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, urges women to be job creators BENGALURU: In a bid to encourage women to take up...

Private sector participation essential for digital and technological transformation in the...

BENGALURU: Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Wednesday said private sector participation is essential to bring about a digital and technological transformation in the country. He...

Global companies keen to invest in Karnataka: Minister

Karnataka at forefront of realising PM Modi’s dream of making India top biz destination: Nirani BENGALURU: Terming his visit to Dubai Expo-2020 ‘very fruitful’, Large and...

UAE financial firm to open Bengaluru office

Minister Nirani says GII’s presence will boost investments in Karnataka DUBAI: In a big push to attract investments and boost trade, the government of Karnataka has...

Karnataka woos investors in aerospace, defence

Minister Nirani highlights Karnataka’s tech strengths at Dubai Expo DUBAI: Highlighting its dominant position in the aerospace and defence sectors, the Karnataka government made a strong...

Workshop to encourage budding Karnataka entrepreneurs

Karnataka Industries Minister Nirani’s brainchild, the Oct 11 workshop will have successful entreprenuers among the speakers BENGALURU: Successful entrepreneurs will share their experience with students and...

‘Burkha woman’ hijacks Karnataka Minister’s Twitter account!

Industries Minister Murugesh Nirani shocked at hacking of his handle, complains to Twitter and will contact Bengaluru cyber cell cops BENGALURU: Karnataka's Large and Medium Industries...

Karnataka is top FDI destination in country

State’s share of Rs 62,085 crore in April-June is 48% of all FDI flow to India: Minister Nirani Karnataka Udyoga Mitra ranked India’s top investment...

Industrial Adalat to be reintroduced to solve industrial problems and disputes:...

BENGALURU: The Industries department will reintroduce ''Industrial Adalats'' (Industrial courts) from September 27 to help solve industry related problems on the spot, Karnataka Minister for...

Karnataka Plans to revive loss-making industries ready: Minister

BENGALURU: Karnataka Large and Medium Industries Minister Murugesh Nirani on Friday said his department has prepared a plan to revive loss-making industries and corporations, and...