Home CITY UPDATES No more bouquets at events: BBMP toes Bommai’s line

No more bouquets at events: BBMP toes Bommai’s line


Gaurav Gupta’s circular says Kannada books will replace bouquets and any BBMP official flouting the rule will face ‘strict action’


What the new Chief Minister proposes, the secretariat disposes! Following Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai’s ‘righteous’ objection to the ‘wasteful’ practice of offering bouquets, garlands, shawls, etc. to dignitaries, the state government on Tuesday issued a circular putting a stop to the practice. The circular said the government and organisations under the government must stop giving bouquets, garlands, shawls or gifts at government events. Instead, Kannada books can be gifted, the circular said.

No more bouquets at events: BBMP toes Bommai’s line

Now, BBMP too has followed suit and will stop the custom of giving bouquets, garlands, shawls or gifts at civic events with immediate effect. Instead, books in the state’s administrative language, Kannada, will be presented.

BBMP Chief Commissioner Gaurav Gupta issued a circular on Wednesday to the above effect, which also states that ‘strict measures’ will be taken again those disobeying the ‘no bouquets’ fiat.

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