Home EDUCATION Karnataka ABVP demands ‘complete’ implementation of NEP

Karnataka ABVP demands ‘complete’ implementation of NEP

Karnataka ABVP demands ‘complete’ implementation of NEP

Waive fees of govt college students in Karnataka due to Covid hardships: ABVP


The ABVP has demanded the complete implementation of the National Education Policy and has sought full details of the NEP to be put out in the public domain.

In a memorandum submitted to Higher Education Minister CN Ashwath Narayan on Monday, the organization has called for waiver of fees of students in government colleges on account of Covid-19 hardships.

It has suggested that the departments of Social Welfare, Backward Classes & Minority Development, Women & Child Welfare, and Transport coordinate on the working of hostels and providing scholarships, and that the state government should give immediate approval for filling vacant posts in government and aided colleges.

Karnataka ABVP demands ‘complete’ implementation of NEP

‘Uniform admission rules’

The ABVP has also called for uniform admission procedures in private and state-run universities, release of grants for libraries of colleges, and an E-Library facility and online study materials for students.

It has demanded giving priority to sports and fitness of students by appointing physical education instructors in a ratio of one PE instructor for every 50 students.

From the ABVP, Dr Satisha, president, state unit, Prateeka Mali, state general secretary, and Swamy Maralapura, zonal organizing secretary, were present during the submission of the memorandum to the Minister.

Go and Vote: Issued in Public Interestbengaluru


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