Home CITY UPDATES Bommai and bouquets don’t go together!

Bommai and bouquets don’t go together!


Karnataka CM disapproves of bouquets, garlands and shawls in the name of protocol

Taking cue from his boss, Karnataka Chief Secretary issues order which says ‘Kannada books’ may be offered instead of bouquets!


Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has decided to do away with the traditional practice of presenting bouquets, garlands and shawls at official functions.

Setting a personal example, Bommai refused to accept a bouquet when he arrived for a meeting with senior police officers on Tuesday. “This is unnecessary expenditure. There is no need to give bouquets, garlands and shawls in the name of protocol. Henceforth, the practice should be stopped,” he said.

Subsequently, as per the CM’s instructions, Chief Secretary P Ravikumar passed an order which states that henceforth ‘Kannada books’ may be given instead of bouquets.

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