Home CORONA BBMP chief engineer Mudduraj succumbs to Covid

BBMP chief engineer Mudduraj succumbs to Covid


He was diabetic and on dialysis for 4 days


BBMP’s South Zone chief engineer BR Mudduraj became the latest ranking official to succumb to the dreaded coronavirus on Wednesday morning.

58-year-old Mudduraj was admitted 4 days ago to Mallya Hospital after he complained of feeling unwell.

BBMP Commissioner N Manjunatha Prasad confirmed the Covid-related death of the civic official.

Sources said Mudduraj was diabetic and was kept under dialysis after he was admitted to the hospital. He succumbed to the virus on Wednesday morning.

Mudduraj joined the civic agency as a junior engineer after completing his diploma in civil engineering. Later, he pursued his BE degree through the BMS Engineering Evening College and was subsequently promoted as assistant engineer. His last posting was as chief engineer for Bengaluru South. He was scheduled to retire in April 2022.

Go and Vote: Issued in Public Interestbengaluru


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