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Govt to roll out lost mobile blocking, tracking system pan-India on...

NEW DELHI: People will be able to block and track their lost or stolen mobile phones across India with the rollout of a tracking system...

Govt to create equity fund for start-ups with 20 pc limited...

NEW DELHI: The government will create a new equity fund for start-ups with a 20 per cent limited stake to provide additional capital support to...

UAE financial firm to open Bengaluru office

Minister Nirani says GII’s presence will boost investments in Karnataka DUBAI: In a big push to attract investments and boost trade, the government of Karnataka has...

Digi tech has put Karnataka on world map: Minister

Karnataka-based start-ups have attracted huge amount of venture capital: Ashwath Narayan DUBAI: Digital enablers such as AI, machine learning, digital analytics and process automation, and the...