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Delhi HC asks Centre to inform whether IT Rules are being...

NEW DELHI: The Delhi High Court Thursday asked the Centre to inform it whether the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules,...

Twitter’s move to challenge govt notice formed part of fiction that...

BENGALURU: Twitter moving to a court against the government notice to block some accounts was ''part of the fiction'' that company's former CEO Jack Dorsey...

Govt to create equity fund for start-ups with 20 pc limited...

NEW DELHI: The government will create a new equity fund for start-ups with a 20 per cent limited stake to provide additional capital support to...

I-T sleuths carry out coordinated raids at multiple places

BENGALURU: Income Tax sleuths on Thursday carried out raids at multiple places in Karnataka including in Bengaluru in connection with tax evasion and amassing wealth...