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India’s Aditya-L1 solar mission spacecraft commences collecting scientific data

BENGALURU: These measurements are conducted using low and high-energy particle spectrometers.The data collected during Earths orbits helps scientists to analyse the behaviour of particles surrounding...

Aditya L1 successfully undergoes fourth earth-bound manoeuvre: ISRO

BENGALURU: Aditya L1 spacecraft, India’s first space-based mission to study the Sun, during the early hours on Friday, underwent the fourth earth-bound manoeuvre successfully, ISRO...

Mission Sun: Aditya L1 successfully undergoes third earth-bound manoeuvre, says ISRO

BENGALURU: Aditya L1 spacecraft, India's first space-based mission to study the Sun, successfully underwent its third earth-bound manoeuvre in the early hours of Sunday, ISRO...