Home CITY UPDATES Student-rowdies in Karnataka ‘christen’ teacher with a dustbin!

Student-rowdies in Karnataka ‘christen’ teacher with a dustbin!

Student-rowdies in Karnataka ‘christen’ teacher with a dustbin! Local outrage after video shows five students of Davanagere govt school nearly assaulting their Hindi teacher when he pulled them up for consuming gutkha in class

Local outrage after video shows five students of Davanagere govt school nearly assaulting their Hindi teacher when he pulled them up for consuming gutkha in class


The whole concept of education takes a beating when those who are taught have no respect for the teacher. This is precisely what happened when a group of five students very nearly manhandled their teacher in Davanagere district after the latter had pulled them up for an act of indiscipline.

A video of the five students of the Government High School in Nallur, Channagiri taluk of Davanagere district, quickly went viral after it was posted on Thursday. The incident occurred on Monday, and the video shows the boys putting a dustbin on their Hindi teacher’s head after he reprimanded them for consuming gutkha in class.

According to the school management, Prakash had recently moved from Haveri district and was taking a Hindi class at the time of the incident. He reportedly pulled up the students for consuming gutkha and littering the classroom, upon which one of them hit him with a dustbin and, worse, put it on the teacher’s head. Enraged localites are now demanding stern action against the young rowdies.

Student-rowdies in Karnataka ‘christen’ teacher with a dustbin! Local outrage after video shows five students of Davanagere govt school nearly assaulting their Hindi teacher when he pulled them up for consuming gutkha in class

Teacher won’t file plaint

Speaking to the media, Prakash said some of the students were consuming gutkha, and when he told them to maintain discipline in class, they picked a quarrel with him and nearly assaulted him. He added that he did not let the incident disturb him and continued with his class. However, on Thursday when the video of the incident went viral, the students –apparently fearing disciplinary action – were absent. Prakash added that he decided not to lodge a complaint even after the intervention of MLA Madal Virupakshappa and DDPI Thippeswamy.

The MLA and the DDPI have decided to take a written assurance from the students concerned that they will not indulge in such acts of indiscipline in the future. Keeping in mind the future prospects of the students, the schools’ teachers too have decided not to lodge a police complaint.

However, the localites are adamant that strict disciplinary action against the young rowdies is needed as a deterrent to others. Deputy Commissioner Mahantesh Bilagi said he would further investigate the incident.

Go and Vote: Issued in Public Interestbengaluru


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