Home Uncategorised REUTERS NEXT-IMF’s Georgieva sees rising cost to keep Ukraine’s economy going

REUTERS NEXT-IMF’s Georgieva sees rising cost to keep Ukraine’s economy going


REUTERS NEXT-IMF’s Georgieva sees rising cost to keep Ukraine’s economy going

Ongoing Russian attacks on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure have increased the cost to keep Ukraine’s economy going next year, adding up to $1 billion a month to previous estimates of $3-$4 billion, the head of the International Monetary Fund told the Reuters NEXT conference on Thursday.

IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said she was confident that the European Union, United States and other international partners would continue to provide needed support for Ukraine.

She said the IMF had provided $2.7 billion in emergency financing to Ukraine, and had just agreed a board monitoring program with Ukraine that would pave the way for a formal financing program.

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