Home CRIME Mangaluru: Vehicle squashed between truck, transport in sequential mishap, driver genuinely hurt

Mangaluru: Vehicle squashed between truck, transport in sequential mishap, driver genuinely hurt

Mangaluru: Vehicle squashed between truck, transport in sequential mishap, driver genuinely hurt


A worker of Mangalore Synthetic substances and Manures (MCF) was genuinely harmed after his vehicle was totally squashed in a sequential mishap at Jeppinamogaru on the public parkway on Saturday evening.

In CCTV camera film that is accessible, a truck should be visible rearending a vehicle which had halted to permit traffic to move. One more vehicle which was behind the truck halts because of the mishap, however is slammed from behind by a speeding Kerala street transport company transport.

The subsequent vehicle was totally folded between the truck and the transport. The severely harmed vehicle driver was quickly moved to a clinic for treatment. The Mangaluru South traffic police visited the spot and have enrolled a case.

Go and Vote: Issued in Public Interestbengaluru


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