Home CITY UPDATES Gruha Jyothi Scheme — Want to make use of Free Electricity Scheme...

Gruha Jyothi Scheme — Want to make use of Free Electricity Scheme in Karnataka — Here are Frequently Asked Questions

Gruha Jyothi Scheme — Want to make use of Free Electricity Scheme in Karnataka — Here are Frequently Asked Questions
Gruha Jyothi Scheme — Want to make use of Free Electricity Scheme in Karnataka — Here are Frequently Asked Questions

Gruha Jyothi – Frequently Asked Questions

1) Am I eligible for this scheme?
All residential consumers within the State of Karnataka are eligible for this scheme.

2) What is this scheme all about?
“Gruha Jyothi” is the flagship program of Government of Karnataka, which provides free electricity up to 200 units for every residential household of Karnataka.

3) What should I do to avail this scheme?
One has to register on Seva Sindu website (Through Desktop/Laptop/Smart phone). The link of which will be shared shortly, the registration will begin from June-15th.

4) From when is this scheme implemented?
Benefits will be applicable from meter reading date on or after 1st August 2023 (for July-2023 consumption)

5) Where should I apply for this scheme?
One has to apply for the Scheme on Seva Sindu website. The link of which will be shared shortly, the registration will begin from June-15th.

6) Can I apply for this scheme offline also?
Yes. Citizens can apply through assisted mode also made available at Grama One, Karnataka One, Bangalore One centers.

7) What all documents are required for applying under this scheme?
Aadhar, Details of consumer ID/Account ID which are available on any month’s electricity bill, Tenancy document if you are a tenant (Rental/lease agreement) or Voter ID showing address of the premise.

8) Should I pay any fees while applying?
No fees has to be paid while registering on Seva Sindhu website.

9) Should I pay the Electricity bill for month of June?
Yes. The benefits of the scheme will be applicable from meter reading date on or after 1st August 2023 (for July-2023 consumption)

10) I have got more than one Electricity Meter, will I be eligible for all Meters?
No. Only one meter per household will be eligible for the scheme.

11) Will I get any acknowledgment after applying?
Yes, an Acknowledgement message from Seva Sindhu will be sent to the registered consumer through Email/SMS.

12) I have already applied for this scheme, when will the benefit start accruing to my account?
The bill issued in July-23 will have to be paid without subsidy. The benefits of the scheme will be applicable from meter reading date on
or after 1st August 2023 (for July-2023 consumption)

13) Mine is an Apartment, Can I apply for this scheme?
Yes, if separate electricity meters are available/installed.

14) I am a Tenant; Bill is in the name of owner, will I also get the benefit?
Yes, Benefit can be availed if address proof – rental/lease agreement or Voter ID showing address of the premise is furnished along with Aadhar for the concerned connection.

15) As a tenant what are all the documents I should submit to register under the scheme?
Tenants can register with address proof – rental/lease agreement is furnished along with Aadhar for the concerned connection.

16) I have shifted the house 2 months back, will I get the benefit?
Yes, policy for new connection would be announced

17) I am the owner of a Shop, can I also apply for the benefit of the scheme for my commercial establishment?
No, the scheme is extended for the benefit of residential households only.

18) How many free units of electricity will I be eligible for? Will I be eligible for 200 units per month?
The benefit is calculated based on average consumption for Financial Year 2022-23 + 10% increase (total amounting to less than 200 units)

19) Where should I find my account ID?
It is available in any of the month’s electricity bill

20) Is linking Aadhar with Account Id mandatory for availing this scheme?
Yes, it is mandatory to link Aadhar with consumer ID/Account ID.

21) My Aadhar is registered outside Karnataka? Will I be eligible for this scheme?
Yes, if you are residing anywhere in Karnataka with address proof of Karnataka you are eligible for the scheme.

22) What If I have arrears? Am I eligible for the scheme?
Yes. However, arrears up to June 30th has to be cleared within 3 Months failing which the connection will be disconnected.

23) After applying for the scheme, if I have consumed more than my entitled consumption, the net bill has to be paid. If I have not paid for that net bill or I have arrears, will I be made ineligible for the scheme?
No. the power supply will be disconnected if arrears is not paid. Once arrears are cleared the benefits of the scheme will be applicable.

24) The bill is in my Late Father’s name? How can I apply for this scheme?
The connection has to be transferred in your name & apply for the scheme. The change in name is done at Jana Snehi Vidyuth
service counters at all sub divisions.

25) If my monthly consumption is more than 200 units? Will I have to pay the entire bill amount?
Yes for that particular month alone you will have to pay the entire bill amount.

26) If my consumption is less than the free units, what will be bill amount?
If the consumption is less than the entitled units you will get a ‘Zero bill’

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