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Tag: GangRape


Mysore University Withdraws Order Barring Movement Of Girl Students After 6.30pm

BENGALURU: The University of Mysore has withdrawn its order which bared movement of girl students on its Manasagangotri campus after 6.30 pm on Saturday. The announcement...

Mysuru gang-rape case cracked, 5 labourers from TN arrested

MYSURU: Five labourers allegedly involved in the rape of a college student near here have been arrested, Karnataka DG and IGP Praveen Sood said on...

Mysuru University ‘bans’ movement of girl students after 6.30 p.m.

BENGALURU: In a bizarre development, Mysuru University banned the movement of girl students in the campus after 6.30 p.m. from Friday. As the order issued by...

Don’t agree with home minister’s remarks over Mysuru gang-rape case: Karnataka...

NEW DELHI: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj S Bommai on Thursday said his government will form a special team to investigate the case of gang-rape of...

Mysuru gang-rape: SIT formed to nab culprits

Home Minister says senior police officers are in Mysuru to help with the rape probe BENGALURU: Home Minister Araga Jnanendra said on Wednesday that a special...

Mysuru collegian gang-raped near Chamundi foothills; CM orders probe

Girl, from UP, was raped and her male friend injured when they were returning home on August 24 night MYSURU: A college student was allegedly raped...