Home CRIME Mysuru gang-rape case cracked, 5 labourers from TN arrested

Mysuru gang-rape case cracked, 5 labourers from TN arrested



Five labourers allegedly involved in the rape of a college student near here have been arrested, Karnataka DG and IGP Praveen Sood said on Saturday.

The five, who frequented Mysuru often, are from “labour class” doing jobs like carpentry and driving, he said, adding, they hailed from Tirupur in Tamil Nadu.

“As per preliminary interrogation, one of them is a juvenile — a 17-year-old — subject to confirmation.”

They initially tried to rob the college student and her male friend and when they did not succeed, they allegedly raped her near Chamudi foothills on the outskirts of Mysuru on August 24, police sources said.

Sood said the victim did not share any details.

“We have to be sensitive to the trauma she is suffering”, he said, adding, police could gather information from her male friend but it was “limited” as he was unconscious and the incident happened between 7 pm and 8 pm (when it was dark). PTI

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