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In suspected honour killing, girl hacked to death by father over affair with boy of different caste

In suspected honour killing, girl hacked to death by father over affair with boy of different caste
In suspected honour killing, girl hacked to death by father over affair with boy of different caste


In a suspected case of honour killing, a teenage girl in Thotli village of Kolar district was allegedly killed by her father as she was in love with a boy from a different caste. Nineteen-year-old Ramya was killed by her father Venkatesh Gowda as she did not heed to his words and continued the relationship.

Venkatesh murdered his daughter on August 25 and cremated her quietly. Later, as information about the murder of the girl spread in the village, the police picked him up and interrogated him after which the crime came to light.

On Sunday morning, the body of the girl was exhumed in the presence of Tahsildar Harshvardhan and a post-mortem examination was conducted. A case has been registered at Kolar Rural police station.

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