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Akhila Bharata Veerashaiva Mahasabha urges CM for scientific caste survey


BELAGAVI: Even as the Congress leadership is championing the conduct of a caste census, there appears to be dissent brewing within its own ranks in Karnataka. Members of Akhila Bharata Veerashaiva Mahasabha met Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and submitted a memorandum to not release any caste census data in a hurry and instead order a scientific survey of castes.

The delegation consisted of prominent Lingayat ministers in the Siddaramaiah cabinet — M B Patil, Eshwar Khandre, senior leader Shamanur Shivashankarappa along with MLAs Hampanagouda Badarli and K Shadakshari. The delegation opposed the release of the data of the 2015 Caste Census conducted by the Karantaka government claiming that the data collection had not been done in a scientific manner.

In 2015, the then Sidaramiah-led Congress government had initiated a Social and Educational Survey in the state. Siddaramaiah had given the responsibility of preparing the report to the State Backward Classes Commission which in 205 was then headed by H Kantharaj. The findings of the report were not made public.

During the Mahasabha gathering, numerous complaints were raised about surveyors not visiting certain individuals. Many people were incorrectly categorised under sub-sects rather than being identified as either Lingayats or Veerashaivas, said the plea.

The members of Veerashaiva Mahasabha demanded that the survey be done scientifically. Many signatories, including Congress ministers, alleged that the caste census that was done in 2015 was not scientific and also expressed their disappointment about the fact that the door-to-door survey that was to be conducted had not been done. They further alleged that only a sample survey was conducted and sample numbers were not disclosed either.

Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar had also stated that he was in support of the home-to-home survey. During a debate in Rajya Sabha on December 11, Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge criticised Shivakumar, saying that he and the BJP are against the caste census.

Kharge’s reaction came when the BJP members sought his opinion on the differences within the Karnataka government on releasing the state’s caste census report. It was reported that Shivakumar was against the release of the caste census report. “He (Shivakumar) is also opposing; you are also opposing,” Kharge said, reacting to the BJP members mentioning Shivakumar’s reported stand against the release of the caste census report.

The BJP legislators, particularly the Lingayats, have expressed discontent with the situation. The BJP believes that the Chief Minister is specifically targeting the Lingayats and Vokkaligas. According to the BJP leaders, the Karnataka government is unwilling to grant 2A reservations to the Lingayats and is also hesitant to proceed with a resurvey.

However, Shivakumar said that he fully endorsed his party’s commitment to social justice. “We believe in an economic survey, and we started our economic survey. I fully endorse the Congress party’s commitment towards all sections of society”, he said.

On the caste census report, he said that the report had not been signed by the secretary. “When it has not been signed, how can it be valid?” Shivakumar.

Veerashaiva Mahasabha, the apex body of the Lingayat community, has now demanded a thorough review of the report and has refused to accept the findings of the 2015 data. (ANI)

Go and Vote: Issued in Public Interestbengaluru


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